Getting a YES when applying for a auto loan can sometimes be difficult. When a Bank, Credit Union, or Finance company look at a application they need a reason to say YES. If you have a excellent credit score and have a perfect repayment record with your previous loan payments a approval is usually somwhat easy and you would be deserving of a low interest rate and great terms. If this is your situation we can get you greate terms and rates.
If you have not established yourself yet in the world of credit we can also help. We have lenders with FIRST TIME BUYER programs that are looking for a ability to repay the loan which means job stability. If you have been at your job for at least 12 months and are making at least $9.00 per hour full time we can help.
If your credit is not so good we can still help. We have lenders that have credit rebuilder programs that will still say yes with job stability and a reasonable down payment. Minimum down payments can be 10-25% or more of the price of the vehicle.